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Dr Athanasia Chambers

Referral Clinician in Emergency & Critical Care

Dr Athanasia Chambers - Referral Clinician in Emergency & Critical Care
Dr Athanasia Chambers BVSc, PgCertSAECC, MRCVS Referral Clinician in Emergency & Critical Care

Athanasia (Than) qualified with a Veterinary Science degree from the University of Sydney in 2008. She changed careers from chemical engineering to veterinary science and has never looked back. Having worked for an avian and exotics vet in Australia, she enjoys seeing many different species including birds and reptiles as well as cats and dogs. Than’s main interest is in emergency and critical care and has gained a certificate in this area of veterinary medicine. She is part of our vital team that covers the out of hours emergency cases.

Than, her husband James and two son’s Alex and Edward moved to Northumberland UK with James’ work and they are loving it here.

Whilst here, she has acquired a 7 year old horse, a lurcher from Stray Aid and a stray budgerigar. In her spare time she enjoys touring the countryside, horse riding and other equine activities offered by her local riding club.