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Find out more about our expert referrals service


Find out more about our expert referrals service

Our referral service is led by a dedicated team of certificate holders and specialist veterinary surgeons who are supported by an experienced team of registered veterinary nurses. With cross disciplinary working and team collaboration, we use our varied expertise to diagnose and treat patients quickly and effectively.

  • Cardiology
  • Diagnostic Imaging
  • ECC
  • Internal Medicine
  • Laparoscopic Procedures
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Laser Therapy
  • Soft Tissue Surgery
  • Orthopaedics
  • Outpatient Ultrasound
  • Neurology


Our Cardiology department is led by  Antonio Moneva-Jordan, DVM, CertVC, MRCVS who works closely alongside our internal medic Kate Green MA VetMB Cert AVP MRCVS. 

Areas of referral

Our experienced referral veterinarian can handle referral cases in the following areas:

  • Congenital Heart Disease
  • Acquired Heart Disease
  • Pericardial Effusions
  • Dyspnoea and Respiratory Distress
  • Murmurs (significant and localised)
  • Arrhythmias
  • X-ray and ECG reading
  • Heart Scoring

Equipment & procedures used

To diagnose and treat your pet, we use the following technology and techniques:

  • Digital Radiography
  • ECG
  • Colour Flow Doppler
  • Echocardiography
  • Blood Pressure Monitors
  • Nasopharyngeal Endoscopy
  • BAL
  • Bronchoscopy

Diagnostic Imaging

We offer Radiography, Ultrasonography, Echocardiology, Fluoroscopy, MRI and CT Scanning


Referrals will be taken by the medicine team – Kate Green BA VetMB CertAVP(SAM) MRCVS, Amy Chapman BVSc, CertAVP(SAM), MRCVS Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Medicine and Laura Hodkinson BVetMed CertAVP MRCVS.

Ultrasonography includes diagnosis of the following:

  • Portosystemic shunts
  • Adrenal, renal, hepatic, splenic, pancreatic, bladder and intestinal disease
  • Ultrasound guided FNA and trucut biopsies

To find out about our Out-Patient Ultrasound Service, click here

CT Scanning

After an initial appraisal by one of our vets, many of the CTs are sent to a team of specialist radiologists (Diplomates of the European or American Diagnostic Imaging Colleges (DipECVDI or DACVR) for interpretation, with a rapid turnaround reporting service.

Areas of referral

We have just installed an 80 slice Canon CT (computed Tomography) at our Cramlington premises – one of the most technologically advanced in the region. This offers state of the art technology for rapid scanning and incredibly detailed images.


Fluoroscopy includes diagnosis of the following:

  • Collapsing tracheas (and facilitates the placement of tracheal stents)
  • Gastrointestinal motility studies
  • Swallowing studies
  • Implant placement in orthopaedics


Referrals will be taken by Antonio Moneva- Jordan DVM, CertVC, MRCVS.

Please refer to the Cardiology section of this website for more information.

Magnetic Resource Imaging - MRI

Our 1.5 Tesla Canon Vantage Elan magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner produces exceptional quality images of the brain and spinal cord, for which it is commonly used. It can also provide superb detail and contrast in soft tissues, which makes it very useful  for  joint disease and looking for foreign bodies.


Our Emergency and Critical Care (ECC) team provide referral services to your critical care patients that need immediate stabilisation, advanced imaging and urgent treatment. 

Moorview Referrals' ECC department is supported by our dedicated team of veterinary surgeons and nurses to provide quality care 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

We can stabilise and manage a variety of conditions such as:

  • Polytrauma
  • Neurological emergencies
  • Poisoning and intoxications
  • Urinary emergencies
  • Reproductive emergencies
  • Transfusion medicine
  • Respiratory and cardiac emergencies

Internal Medicine

Our experienced team of practitioners can diagnose and treat all manner of internal ailments and diseases.

Referrals will be taken by:
Amy Chapman BVSc, CertAVP(SAM), MRCVS
Kate Green MA VetMB Cert AVP(SAM), MRCVS
Laura Hodkinson BVetMed CertAVP, MRCVS
Ashley Moore BVSc, BVSc CERT AVP (SAM) PgCert (VPS) MRCVS

Areas of referral

Our experienced referral veterinarians can handle referral cases in the following areas:

  • Polydipsia/polyuria
  • Vomiting/regurgitation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Weight loss
  • Episodic collapse
  • Endocrine disease
  • Tumour staging - please refer to the oncology section of the website
  • Non-invasive biopsy techniques
  • Dysuria/haematuria
  • Epistaxis

Equipment & procedures used

To diagnose and treat your pet, we use the following technology and techniques:

  • Digital ultrasonography with colour flow mapping
  • Ultrasound guided biopsy
  • Endoscopy
  • Rigid endoscopy – cystoscopy & rhinoscopy
  • Digital radiography
  • ECG, Doppler blood pressure
  • Automated clotting times (PT/aPTT) and I-Stat blood gas analysis
  • In-house dry chemistry
  • MRI/CT
  • Fluoroscopy

Laparoscopic Procedures

Minimally invasive, or 'keyhole' surgery uses specialist instruments and endoscopes (cameras) to perform surgeries through small incisions in either the abdomen or the thorax. Some procedures can be performed entirely using a minimally invasive technique, whilst in other surgeries we use this in order to assist with the procedure. Minimally invasive surgeries have largely replaced traditional 'open' surgeries in human surgery due to the marked benefits it offers, including:

  • Reduced post-operative pain and discomfort
  • Faster return to normal activity levels - especially useful for active or working dogs
  • Smaller surgical wounds with a decreased risk of wound infections 
  • Better visibility during surgery
  • Decreased surgical time

The most common procedures performed by ourselves include:

  • Laparoscopic ovariectomy (spey) and laparoscopic retained testicle removal 
  • Laparoscopic ovarian remnant removal
  • Laparoscopic assisted gastropexy
  • Biopsies, e.g. of liver, pancreas or lung  
  • Thoracoscopic subtotal pericardectomy

Our laparoscopic service is run by:

Jess Bedwell BVM&S PGCertSAS MRCVS



Our canine hydrotherapy service is run by Amy Hallowell - Level 3 in Canine Hydrotherapy and supported by Katie Craig - Level 3 in Canine Hydrotherapy.

At Moorview Referrals we treat our patients in an underwater treadmill in a private department separate from the main hospital. 

This allows for low impact, controlled exercise in a calm environment to aid recovery. 

Both our hydrotherapists are fully qualified with national accredited qualifications in small animal hydrotherapy and regularly attend courses to aid their professional development. This ensures our patients receive the most up to date techniques within a safe environment and only work from a veterinary referral.

Common conditions that benefit from hydrotherapy:

  • Pre-operatively and post-operatively following repair of cranial cruciate ligament ruptures
  • Pre-operatively and post-operatively following hip replacements
  • Pre-operatively and post-operatively following luxating patella repairs
  • Post-operatively following spinal surgery to aid in the recovery of a correct and functional gait pattern
  • Post-operatively following surgical fracture repairs
  • Hip and elbow dysplasia
  • Conservative management of osteoarthritis
  • Reduced mobility
  • Management of pain and dysfunction
  • Plus lots more

Many patients benefit from both hydrotherapy and physiotherapy. Our rehabilitation team strive to give patients the best possible treatment and we work together to achieve this.

Our team are extremely passionate and will ensure all patients get the best possible care and treatment.

We work on a veterinary referral only basis, so please contact your primary care veterinary practice to arrange a referral.

Please contact us for more information.


Keep your pet happy and healthy after injury or surgery by undertaking a course of physiotherapy. Referrals will be taken by animal physiotherapist Rebecca Heald, Mcsp, ACPAT Cat A

Physiotherapy is essential in the prevention, cure and rehabilitation of many conditions.

Following soft tissue injuries, trauma, surgery and for developmental and degenerative conditions, physiotherapy is used widely to accelerate the rehabilitation process and restore function. Physiotherapy aims to restore proper movement, strength and function, reduce pain, swelling and inflammation and accelerate the healing and rehabilitation process.

When should physiotherapy commence?

Physiotherapy should commence soon after the injury or surgery, but this doesn’t mean strenuous exercise! Gentle movement and techniques reduce pain early after injury or surgery stimulate healing, help reduce swelling, stiffness and muscle atrophy and rehabilitate movement and function.

Many of the complications due to immobilisation or limited exercise in the first few weeks can be prevented if physiotherapy commences early.

Physiotherapy rehabilitation

On the first visit, a full assessment will be carried out, the dog will receive treatment and a rehabilitation plan will be given specific to the dog's needs.

Many factors are considered when designing a rehabilitation program and deciding which particular therapies will be suitable for each dog. These include age, temperament, type of injury and time since injury, any pre-existing conditions and the previous lifestyle or occupation of the dog.

Home programs are provided to all physiotherapy clients to enable rehabilitation to be continued on a daily basis and give owners skills to assist their pet’s recovery.

Treatment techniques include:

  • Soft tissue and joint mobilisations
  • Massage, trigger point therapy and myofascial release
  • Stretching
  • Strengthening exercises
  • Movement re-education, Balance and proprioception re-training
  • Electrotherapy including neuromuscular electrical Stimulation and LASER
    Splinting, taping

Conditions that may benefit from physiotherapy include:

  • Cruciate ligament injury
  • Patella luxation
  • Hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia
  • Joint replacement
  • Multi – trauma / fractures
  • Spondylosis of the spine
  • Arthritis / degenerative conditions
  • Muscle, tendon and ligament injuries
  • Corrective orthopaedic surgery
  • Deteriorating mobility
  • Joint contractures and deformities
  • Spinal surgery or Spinal disc disease
  • Fibrocartilagenous embolism
  • ‘Wobblers’ syndrome (cervical vertebral malformation).
  • Nerve palsies or injuries
  • Congenital Degenerative Myelopathy

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is offered by our ACPAT Chartered Physiotherapist, Rebecca Heald, and it helps with a wide range of conditions by accelerating the bodies ability to heal. 

  • Joint Pain and Osteoarthritis

  • Tendonitis

  • Edema and Congestion

  • Chronic pain / Lameness

  • Fractures / Sprains / Strains

  • Trauma, Puncture Wounds

  • Dermatitis

  • Neck and Back Pain

  • Hip Dysplasia

  • Burns, Infected & Chronic Wounds

  • Rehabilitation

  • Recovery from surgery

What does class 4 laser therapy mean?

Class 4 is the rating of the laser device used to deliver the treatment. All K-LASER CUBE devices are class 4, this is the most powerful class of laser for therapeutic use. More power means higher doses of light energy can be delivered more quickly. 

Will it hurt my Pet?

Most patients sense a mild, soothing warmth over the treated area. Areas of pain or inflammation may be sensitive briefly after treatment before improvement is experienced.

How long will a treatment session take?

It depends upon the size of the area being treated and the specific condition but typically sessions are 8 minutes in length or less. If your pet has multiple conditions your session may need to be longer.

How many sessions will my pet need?

This depends on the nature of the condition being treated. For some acute conditions 1-2 treatments may be sufficient. Often chronic conditions may require an initial set of 5 to 8 treatments with booster sessions as required to control pain.

How long before the results are felt?

Often improvement can be seen after the first visit, however Class 4 Laser Therapy treatment is cumulative in nature so for most conditions patients will require several repeat treatments for greatest benefit.

Can Laser Therapy be used in conjunction with other forms of treatment? 

With your veterinarians approval laser therapy can be used in combination with other forms of therapy, surgery, prescription drugs or dietary supplements.

Has Laser Therapy been scientifically demonstrated to be effective? 

Hundreds of published clinical papers have demonstrated the effectiveness of Laser Therapy. Laser Therapy is one of the fastest growing therapeutic treatments for both humans and animals for a wide range of conditions.

Soft Tissue Surgery

Our highly experienced veterinarians can perform ENT, thoracic, urogenital, abdominal and colorectal surgeries, to name but a few.

Our soft tissue certificate holders are:

Jess Bedwell BVM&S PGCertSAS MRCVS

Jonathan Deacon BVM&S CertSAS MRCVS

Areas of referral

Our experienced referral veterinarians can handle referral cases in the following areas:

ENT Surgery

  • Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome

Thoracic Surgery

  • Lung lobectomy
  • Exploratory thoracotomy
  • PDA
  • Vascular ring anomaly correction

Urogenital Surgery

  • Colposuspension
  • Prostatic surgery
  • Ectopic ureter correction

Abdominal Surgery

  • Liver lobectomy
  • Portosystemic shunts
  • Nephrectomy
  • Cholecystojejunostomy

Colorectal Surgery

  • Colorectal neoplasia
  • Perineal herniorraphy


Our orthopaedic service is run by:

Jess Bedwell BVM&S PGCertSAS MRCVS

Jonathan Deacon BVM&S CertSAS MRCVS

Ondrej Ryacek MVDr. PGCert (SAS), MRCVS, RCVS

Catriona Redman BA VetMB PGCert (SAS), MRCVS RCVS

Dr Pawel Krainski DVM, CertAVP, MRCVS 

Dr Sergejs Markuls DVM, GPCert(SAS), PgC SAS, GPAdvCert(SAOS), MRCVS 

Outpatient Ultrasound

Using our ultrasound and extensive experience, we can help aid the diagnosis of your patient, quickly and effectively.

Our ultrasound out-patient service offers advanced abdominal ultrasound imaging, echocardiography and ultrasound-guided sampling procedures. It is suitable for patients who would benefit from detailed ultrasound imaging and/or ultrasound guided sampling followed by ongoing case management with their primary care clinician. The service is run by Silvana Gomez DVM MRCVS, Referral Clinician in Diagnostic Imaging.

Appointments can be arranged via our referrals platform. Please select ‘Diagnostic Imaging’ and attach the patient history and all recent laboratory results, and note ‘OUTPATIENT ULTRASOUND’ in the comments. Prior to the appointment our reception team will send you a brief additional form to detail which examinations and samples you require. The client will also be sent information about what to expect on the day of the appointment.

Patients will be admitted by a member of our nursing team and clients will be asked to give signed consent for clipping of fur, intravenous catheter placement, sedation as required, ultrasound examination and ultrasound-guided sampling as indicated. After the procedure the patient will be discharged back to the client by a member of the nursing team and instructions for care after any sedation and the procedure will be given.

A detailed report of the ultrasound examination will be sent to you via the Referrals Platform and emailed within 5 days, depending on the urgency of the case, and Silvana will be happy to discuss the findings further by telephone or email if required. Samples will be sent for analysis by VPG and results will be added to the Platform as soon as they are available. We will not report or discuss any results with the client, but our referral clinicians will be happy to give advice on ongoing case management and subsequent referral can be arranged via our referrals platform if required. In the rare case of a finding that requires urgent intervention we will contact you to discuss this and plan next steps prior to any discussion with the client. Similarly, if any additional sampling is appropriate this will be discussed with you first and informed consent obtained from the client.

Pre-appointment advice will be given to clients, which includes:

  • Fasting for 12 hours prior to the appointment
  • Water to be withheld from 7am
  • Avoid urination for 2 hours before appointment
  • Seek advice from primary care clinician or Moorview Referrals about administration of any medications due on the morning of the appointment
  • Seek advice about alternative fasting protocols from Moorview Referrals for diabetics or animals under 3 months of age
  • Discuss pre-appointment medications such as gabapentin with primary care clinician if patient is very anxious

This service includes:

  • Full abdominal ultrasound - £501
  • Specific organ/system ultrasound - £294
  • Doppler echocardiography - £501
  • Ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration/Trucut biopsy - £123
  • Cytology (VPG) – from £155.60
  • Histopathology (VPG) - £228.52
  • Sedation - £103 - £135 depending on medications/doses


Our Neurology Service is run by Kate Stalin BA VetMB DipECVN MRCVS

Kate has 15 years experience of neurology referral work and is trained in both medical and surgical neurology. Any case can be referred and will have a neurological examination to determine the localisation of the lesion. Depending on the differentials, further diagnostics will be advised including advanced imaging and once a diagnosis has been made, treatment advised. 

Along with our large team of advanced surgical practitioners, we are able to offer a large range of spinal surgery. For acute spines caused by intervertebral disc extrusions, hemilaminectomies and ventral corpectomies can be performed 7 days a week. For more chronic conditions, elective surgeries can be planned including spinal stabilisation.

Any member of the team are happy to discuss a case with you prior to referral.

Spinal Surgery

Our specialist referral veterinarian can perform a range of surgeries on animals suffering from spinal issues.

Our spinal surgery referral veterinarian can handle a range of cases relating to spinal issues and injuries in your pet.

Areas of referral

Our experienced referral veterinarian can handle referral cases in the following areas:

  • Hemilaminectomy (intervertebral disc disease)
  • Dorsal laminectomies (e.g. lumbosacral disease)
  • Atlantoaxial subluxation
  • Spinal fractures and luxations
  • Cervical spondylomyelopathy

Referrals are taken by our experienced veterinarians:

Jonathan Deacon BVM&S CertSAS MRCVS

Jess Bedwell BVM&S PGCertSAS MRCVS

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