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Mrs Kate Stalin

Referral Clinician in Neurology

Mrs Kate Stalin - Referral Clinician in Neurology
Mrs Kate Stalin MA, VetMB, DipECVN, MRCVS Referral Clinician in Neurology

Kate Stalin graduated from the University of Cambridge in 2003 before working in general practice in Aberdeen. In 2005 she returned to Cambridge as a resident in neurology. After her initial training at the University, she completed her residency running a neurology service in a private referral practice in the north of England. In 2008 Kate was awarded her European Diploma in Veterinary Neurology and subsequently worked as a clinical neurologist in South West London. In 2012 Kate joined the neurology team at the University of Glasgow. During this time she has continued to offer a neurology consultancy service in private practice providing support to practices offering magnetic resonance imaging. Kate’s clinical interests include epilepsy, inflammatory brain disease and CNS neoplasia as well as neurosurgery.

Kate also has a keen interest in teaching neurology. As well as seeing referral cases at the University of Glasgow Small Animal Hospital, she is responsible for undergraduate courses at the University of Glasgow and is keen to improve graduate confidence within the veterinary profession. Kate initially visited Moorview on a day-a-month basis, but for the last year has been employed on a permanent basis at the Cramlington practice and is here every other week to see neurology referrals or offer advice.