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Christine Head

ECC Nursing Team Leader

Christine Head - ECC Nursing Team Leader
Christine Head DipAVN (small animal) RVN ECC Nursing Team Leader

Chris joined our team in September 2013 as a student veterinary nurse, after spending her first-year training in a small animal practice in the south lakes. After a further 2 years training Chris gained a foundation degree in veterinary nursing from Myerscough College in July 2015, after which we offered her a full-time position. Following this Chris completed her DipAVN (anaesthesia, surgery and theatre practice) in 2018 and her CertAVN (teaching, coaching and mentoring) in 2022.

After spending several years as a surgical nurse, it was time for a change and in 2023 Chris became or ECC team leader, an area in which she has always had a keen interest and is currently studying for her ECC nursing certificate. 

When not at work Chris spends time competing in flyball with Rocket her crazy Jack Russel Terrier, going for long walks and spending time reading a good book with her cat Fawkes. As well as playing the trumpet in a concert band and running a Cub Scout group.