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Dr Pawel Krainski

RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Surgery MRCVS

Dr Pawel Krainski  - Referral Clinician in Surgery
Dr Pawel Krainski DVM, CertAVP (GSAS) Referral Clinician in Surgery

After graduating in 2010 in his native Poland, Pawel completed his surgical internship and then joined family-owned small animal practice. In 2013 he moved to UK and worked in various practices, settling in North-East of England in 2015. He joined leading UK small animal charity here, where seeing a various caseload he developed his surgical interests further. After that he founded a locum and peripatetic surgical services company, before joining Moorview Referrals in 2022. 

He has interest in all aspects of SA surgery with particular interest in orthopaedics. 

In his spare time, he enjoys exploring countryside with his family.