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Orthopaedic Fixed Fee Surgery Prices

Orthopaedic Fixed Fee Surgery Prices

Fixed fees for surgeries

Includes Consultation, GA & Regional Anaesthesia, Imaging, Implants, Hospitalisation, Dressings, Medication and Follow-Up

Complication guarantee - we will cover the cost of complications for a period of 3 months from the date of surgery. Where surgical revision is required, this surgery will be covered for 3 months.

ECC work-up/stabilisation if the case presents as a trauma, are additional to the fixed fee.

  Standard Price
Cruciate (TPLO/CCWO/TTA) £3200
>40kg £3200
additional TTT £300
MPL & TTT -  Sulcuplasty & Tibial Tuberosity Transposition £2800
THR - Total Hip Replacement £7500
Hemilaminectomy - 72hrs hospital, excluding repeat imaging after 72hrs** £5800
Ventral Slot - 72hrs hospital, excluding repeat imaging after 72hrs** £6300
Fracture - Pin & Wire - eg. simple avulsions £2900
Fracture 1 - eg. Long Bone Fractures: plate, plate/rod, ex-fix £3850
Fracture 2 - eg. Advanced Repairs: multiple plates, pelvic £5500
Fracture 3 - eg. Very complex, complex multiple limb £8500
Partial Carpal/Tarsal Arthrodesis £5600
Pan Carpal/Tarsal Arthrodesis £6300
Lateral Condylar Fracture £4200
'Y' Fracture £6100
Additional contralateral HIF screw £1000
Hip Toggle £3200
HIF - (unilateral) including CT  £3250
HIF - (bilateral) £4200

**Complication guarantee 72 hours only

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